Scroll down to sign up for the upcoming SKY Campus Happiness Program (recognized for reimbursement by your health insurance)

About the Program

The SKY Happiness Program is a dynamic and immersive self-development program, specifically designed for Unversity students and young professionals.

You’ll learn the evidence-based SKY Breath-Meditation for everyday practice, and frameworks for emotional intelligence. You’ll practice dynamic, yet, beginner-friendly yoga, and experience fun games and processes for greater social connection and leadership.

It is a balanced combination of fun, as well as profound knowledge to empower you to face any challenege in life with a smile.

Students in leading universities across the world (e.g. Stanford, MIT, Harvard) have testified that techniques taught in this program have made them stronger people and leaders by reducing stress, boosting energy, improving time management, and increasing confidence in interpersonal relationships.

What is SKY Breath Meditation?

Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) meditation is a breath-based meditation practice that reduces physical and mental stress and effortlessly brings you into a deep state of meditation.

100+ independent studies have shown that the SKY Technique significantly reduces cortisol - the stress hormone; increases optimism; relieves anxiety and depression; increases antioxidant production; enhances mental focus and speeds up recovery from stressful stimuli.

For TK in Aachen, please contact Anna-Lisa Esposito by email <> or by phone <+4915123784502>

You can simply give them a short call, give the official name of the program 'Art of Living Happiness Programm - Mit Hatha-Yoga ganzheitlich entspannen' with course-ID: KU-ST-RENV7R or KU-ST-HPGDXV and ask the reimbursed amount.

As a 'prevention course' it is partly funded by all German health insurances. Depending on your insurance, you can get up to 100% of the course fee refunded.

Let your Health Insurance Pay

Upcoming courses

SKY Happiness Program - 07 June 2024

Fr 07.06.24 Fri 18:00 - 21:30
Sa 08.06.24 Sat 10:00 - 13:30
So 09.06.24 Sun 10:00 - 13:30

Followup Sessions:
Mi 12.06.24 - 18:30 - 20:30

SKY Happiness Program - 09 Aug 2024

Fr 09.08.24 Fri 18:00 - 21:30
Sa 10.08.24 Sat 10:00 - 13:30
So 11.08.24 Sun 10:00 - 13:30

Followup Sessions:
Mi 14.08.24 - 18:30 - 20:30